Theme: Water themed art making and music soundscapes for promoting a calm sensory state.

Come and create together as Twistshop partners with Imerman Angels for an evening of art making, music making, and connection. Join Brushes with Cancer participants/friends, collaborators, and creators, Noah Plotkin and Mignon Dupepe as we use water imagery and sounds towards a calm and Zen state and atmosphere. No prior artistic or music skills required to participate in this music and art experience-just an interest in using art processes and music for expression, growth, and opportunities to connect with others.

Art materials to be considered for using with this workshop include:

  • Plain heavy paper/ watercolor paper
  • Colorful markers
  • Color pencils
  • Crayons
  • Pastels
  • Watercolor paints/paint brushes/water
  • Paper towels/Q-tips for blending pastels